at the airport.. and we gotta board the plane like any President! hehe.. Btw can anyone spot Justin? haha!
our hotel: Kaibo Express Hotel.. aniwae the acengy really cheated our money lor! It’s not like what he claimed near the 市中心 at all!
The vending machine at the lobby sells basically anything that u’ll need on a trip. We bought our map from this!

@ our hotel lobby.. marking out our hotel on the map!

me and ah rain basically slept throughout the whole journey to Shanghai.. and now even on their bus! hee..
and here we are @ 豫园 a.k.a 辰皇庙.

We had lunch at this restaurant.. do take a closer look at the menu! Isnt it cheap ?!!

Definitely a sumptuous, delicious and satisfying meal! (sorry to those who are already drooling!)

..and we didn’t have enough of 小笼包! there’s a Q just down the restaurant that we went to.. reason being: 16 for RMB10! Isn’t that dirt cheap?! and the best thing is it’s delicious!

The potential customers!

night @ 豫园

...and more of course!

Ah rain is eating this 包 that requires a straw to suck out the 汤汁! Sounds delicious huh! but it cant be suck out aniwae haha!! u wun noe how disappointed all of us were!

A group photo finally!
It was raining so badly that there is really no one on the streets accept the 6 poor tourists haha
All wet :( ! probably cant really tell from the pic. aniwae we were waiting for a ferry ride to “过海”, like in HK haha, to the Pudong, which is at other bank of the Huangpu River, to meet Ah Rain’s beloved friend, Daphne, who has also become our beloved friend during the trip!
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